About Us

The Water Space team consists of employees of the ECOTECH-Engineering company, founded in 1992. We design, manufacture, and provide maintenance and repair services of various equipment, including water treatment and water consumption equipment. Our work portfolio includes the fulfillment of various orders in the field of mechanical engineering and instrumentations, and serial production of different types of water treatment and water consumption products. In addition, among our successful projects are custom execution of turnkey projects: water and beverage production workshops, swimming pools, multistage water purification systems, water retail spots and much more. Thanks to the knowledge and the experience of our team we have created an universal production base that allows us to design and manufacture high-quality equipment and solutions implementing production quality systems according to the European Standard ISO 9001-2015.

  • International certificate ISO 9001:2015

    International certificate ISO 9001:2015

  • Certificate of Hygiene of the DSSS of Ukraine

    Certificate of Hygiene of the DSSS of Ukraine

  • Certificate of Hygiene of the DSSS of Ukraine

    Certificate of Hygiene of the DSSS of Ukraine

  • Certificate of Technical Regulatory Compliance

    Certificate of Technical Regulatory Compliance

Since 2017 our company has established and advanced its equipment under brand.

The company provides:

  • Equipment design, manufacturing, installation and commissioning

  • Warranty and post-warranty equipment maintenance

  • Spare parts, accessories and components supply

  • Consulting and technical support

ECOTECH-Engineering Company is currently considering expansion into the foreign markets and is open to collaboration and partnership opportunities in production and sales of products in demand worldwide.